• Tel: 91 800 540 0511
  • Email : earthstar.academy@gmail.com
  • Mahewa West ,Madauka Road, Naini, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh

About Us

Purpose of Education

The purpose of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives

Preschool education is not just about art, music, dance, fun, and fantasy , it is to provide comprehensive learning objectives and having a structured way to achieve these objectives.
The 4 major components to achieve these objectives are:
1 : The teachers who facilitate learning
2 : The curriculum and methodology
3 : The philosophy
4 : The learning tools offered to the child

Our curriculum balances these 4 components. The core philosophy inspired by the Montessori method. Each material has been designed following this philosophy . The teachers have been trained effectively on the philosophy , curriculum, and materials. Academically equipped and socially adept children are what we are striving to provide this world.

The Philosophy

A Child's path to excellence begins with the perfect role model and the perfect tools.
Research proves that Early Education is critical because:
Brain development is most rapid in the early years
75% of neural connectivity is complete by the age of 7
When the quality of stimulation is deficient, child development is seriously affected.

The capacity to absorb concepts and learn is highest during Ages 2 to 6. Hence it is important to expose the child to an environment which provides an appropriate stimulus for learning.

Intelligence is important factor to consider when a child comes to school

Inherent Intelligence is the maximum intelligence a child can achieve in accordance with the genes.

Acquired Intelligence is what a child gets with environmental factors like culture, family , and education.

The Curriculum

Is focused on the following areas of development:

A Curriculum is a set of experiences and events that are planned to foster a child's learning. Our curriculum explores

The Environment

The environment is a major part of our curriculum. A young child must get daily experience with learning aids in a structured environment which have specific usage, derived from the curriculum. The environment in our curriculum facilitates self-learning in every child.


Happy Students


Teaching Hours


Days of Learning


Innovative Methods

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